Sunday, January 27, 2008

Conflict in Hansel and Gretel

"In general terms, between what two groups does the conflict occur in the Hansel and Gretel tales? What is significant about who is victorious in the conflict?"

Alright, this was the discussion question for Friday but we didn't exactly discuss Hansel and Gretel so I feel it okay to still write a post/entry for the question. Here goes... I guess I can see a lot of conflict in Hansel and Gretel but I believe the main conflict to be between the parents and the children and between the children and the witch. Conflict also arises between the parents but that is not as important.

In the beginning when Hansel and Gretel are left in the woods for the first time, conflict arises. As stated, in another post I find the abandonment of this children horrible and somewhat terrifying. Well at least it would be terrifying to children. I mean here you are with your parents who you love dearly and then suddenly they decide to get rid of you because they are destitute and have nothing to eat. Anyway, it is clear that conflict has now entered the picture. When the children, Hansel and Gretel make it back to the house the first time the parents pretend to be glad that they are back home. But they aren't and the children soon find themselves in a similar predicament. Now, the children are truly lost as Hansel's plans to save the two (the two children) fail.

As they walk farther and search for a way out they find more and more conflict- in the form of a witch. Because they are held hostage they are forced to try to find a way out of the situation, they have to escape because they know what will happen to them if they fail again. They will die. In the end, the children win and make it out alive. The fact that the children win is well good, that's an understatement but it does more than that.

Unlike LRRH, Snow White and others, Hansel and Gretel are made out to be clever and cunning. They don't give up and because they don't give up they live. Other characters in other tales are not as fortunate as Hansel and Gretel

1 comment:

Hyangmi said...

Nice start! Check Vista for your grade.