Thursday, January 24, 2008

Following the Crumb Path

"On the way into the woods, Hansel crushed the bread in his pocket and would often stop to scatter crumbs on the ground." The Grimm Brothers, Hansel and Gretel

Alright, so I vaguely remember reading this as a child, or rather having it read to me. What I remember is being scared. In rereading this short story I can certainly understand why I was scared. I don't know why this is considered a tale for children. It seems inappropriate for children. It's horrible that Hansel and Gretel's mother and father choose to abandon them. And it's not just once that they children are abandoned. It happens twice. I can understand that the parents didn't have enough for themselves much less the children but its unforgivable they choose to do. Think about it. In the modern world if parents were to do this- to abandon their children they would get sent to prison for child abuse... It's just a thought.

I also, remember being scared of that witch. I've never heard of a cannibalistic witch but it does indeed make the story all the more gruesome. I almost wonder if the famine effected her as well. It would explain for the horrendous act, or at least the thought to act, that she wanted to commit. In the modern world, to further explain we don't hear of people being cannibals- at least in America. With that said, it seems all the more inappropriate for children. Also, I'm not sure this is on topic or anything but when I read this part, about the witch, I was reminded of the movie Stardust. In the movie, stars ( like the ones that shine in the sky) are actually people, often times beautiful women. In the make believe, fantasy world witch's live as well. In the movie, a star falls to Earth and the witch(es) seek to kill her because her blood can revive them and make them young again.

Anyway, like I said- I don't really see this as a tale for children...

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