Saturday, March 22, 2008

Alexander's- The Creation

"All things bright and beautiful,/All creautres great and small,/ All things wise and wonderful,/ the Lord God made them All." The Creation, Cecil Alexander

So, we were talking about this poem in class the other day and I rembered that I knew this poem... I was in various choirs growing whether it be in the church or in the community. This song, which I know as All Things Bright and Beautiful , was a song that I sang. I remember liking it, it's a unique song with a good melody.

But, there were a lot of things about this poem that I didn't know...

For instance, at the time I sang this song, I had no idea that it had first been a poem. I guess that makes sense though, songs are essentially poems set to a melody and music. Well, kind of. Another thing I didn't know, was who this song was written by. Honestly, I don't know that I cared. I just sang the song that we were supposed to sing and hoped that it sounded good.

One thing I didn't like...

One thing I don't like is that the poem is so different from the song. As I've said before, I like the song. I'm not so sure that I like the poem as much. It's just that it's not concise. I feel like if it were shorter it might be a better poem.

And that, is the rest of the story... haha. That is it for now; I have to go.

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