Thursday, March 6, 2008

Irene The Humble Princess

" To Irene the summer was as full of pleasure as ever, and for a long time, although she often thought of her grandmother during the day, and often dreamed about her at night, she did not see her. The kids and the flowers were as much her delight as ever, and she made as much friendship with the miners' children she met on the mountain as Lootie would permit; but Lootie had very foolish notions concerning the dignity of a princess, not understanding that the truest princess is just the one who loves all her brothers and sisters best, and is most able to do them good by being humble towards them." George MacDonald, The Princess and The Goblin, p.199

"People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.'" Mark 10:13-15

Just as the disciples discourage the children from seeing Jesus, so too does Lootie discourage Curdie and others from associating with Irene. It seems an imporant connection to make, being that this is supposed to be a spiritual bildungsroman. But what strikes me is that it seems as if it is Lootie who is the one that needs to grow up a little. Irene, though young is on the right track. This would makes sense though. In the metaphorical sense, Irene who is a princess is related to the Jesus. She is a daughter of the king.

Therefore, she would be humble...

She knows that she is a princess but that she is no better than anyone else. So, she finds adventure in rescuing Curdie and obeying her grandmother. Lootie or the others would never find such adventure, and happiness because they do not have "spiritual eyes" or rather it seems if everyone else lacks faith. Also, she finds adventure in simply associating with others her own age even if they aren't on the same level as her.


Irene thinks about her grandmother a lot... If her grandmother is a symbol for Jesus or an angel then this is refreshing as well. I am glad to read a book where the character is fixated on something, or someone good as opposed to reading about a character who has an unhealthy fixation on something or someone who bring the character harm. I guess this just goes to show that 1. Mac Donald did a good job in writing this work and 2. Jesus really is the answer...

I think that's it for now. I just wanted to write... Later.

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