Saturday, March 29, 2008

Prose: Nothing Short of Amazing

"Prose is the language of everyday life, or narrative fiction, of informational books... Poetry is the language of the imagination, of feelings, of emotional self-expression, of high art." Russell, 176

"Prose explains, but poetry sings." Russell, 176.

I read this little chapter, in "the Russell text" about poetry a while ago, and felt the need to write a blog entry about this... You see, I'm an English major and well- I didn't agree with Russell... In fact I thought it was kind of harsh. Maybe even a little mean. To really understand where I'm coming from you have to understand that I really like to write. At A&M, when you're an English major you get to choose from one of several tracks... I'm on the creative writing track- and chose the prose option instead of doing the poetry track.

With that said, I think it is understandable for me to be just a bit upset, or rather disappointed in the author. And so you're asking yourself, why... Why do you disagree??

Well, simply put I believe that prose can sing just like poetry can. I believe it to be just as good and interesting and sometimes even better. Poetry can seem to be stuffy and over done. In my opinion prose appeals to more people, more often. Moreover, if a writer does a good job- it can be just as clever and imaginitive as prose. It sings too! Take J.K Rowling for instance. The face that her books are being read, and have been read by many kind proves my point. The language is good, the syntax works too. Also, I've read lots of other, novels and stories even- that keep my attention and get the job done.

On the flipside, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. That is what is so great about living in the United States of America. Here, we are free to express our own opinion and not get punished for it. That is something that is truly remarkable. So, basically Russell is free to write whatever he wants as am I.

So, I think that about does it. I think that this is sufficient enough... Gotta run.

1 comment:

Hyangmi said...

Please check Vista for your third journal grade.