Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My Life as The Giver

" You do understand, don't you, that this is my life? The memories?" Lowry, 103.

I realized that the title was somewhat deceiving after I titled this entry, but it is fitting and it does apply. So here we go... Onward with the installment.

First, a story. During Spring Break I think it was I was just being silly and mouthing off and said something like " I hold all the memories of the world, it's a hard burden to bear." To which my mom replied " you sound like The Giver." It took a minute for me to remember what she was talking about. I read this book when I was in sixth grade so I understood...

That's the story. Now for the rest of the installment.

I liked this little sentence alot. This part of the book, this chapter even. It was interesting. In my other blog, I once wrote abt. the topic of self-definition and how one defines oneself. In this book the giver defines himself by what he does. I noted that a person isn't their job... But, that doesn't define them. I believe that a person is defined by their characteristics, in what kind of a person they are. For instance, The Giver is an elderly person and a great person. In a world where no one love, he has a warm and loving personality. However, like others he defines himself by what he does,he receives memories.

On the flip side, a person sometimes gets so englufed in their work that it kind of becomes a part of them. A workaholic for instance spends so much time at work, wherever that may be and after a while that person kind of becomes their work. The Giver is kind of the same. He becomes his job due to the nature of his job description. He is isolated because he has the memories. There is no one else who understands him. It's kind of a sad thought that there would be no one who could understand him, that can share in the pain. So, it's really no wonder that Jonas, the new receiver feels like he must escape. No one understands him, therefore he shouldn't have to care how anyone else feels... It's kind of selfish but he doesn't care. So, I guess I'm saying that either idea is correct. I realize that people have different idea and interpretations of this work. It would be selfish of me to say that my interpretation is correct and that the differing ideas of someone else are wrong.

I think that's it for now. I'm exhausted.

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