Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Not Up For Adventures

In regards to adventures, " 'I should think so- in these parts! We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can't think what anybody sees in them'" Tolkein, 7

So, I was reading this part of the novel, the earlier part, a few days ago and thought that it was interesting and something that I could write about. Here I am writing- once again....

Now for the installment/ post-whatever you want to call it.

My first thought when I read this was how funny or ironic that Bilbo makes this remark. The novel is after all, a story about the adventures of a hobbit and his rise to heroism, etc. But, this remark is made earlier on so it would be normal for Bilbo to talk like this. It would be expected. Also, it is interesting and thought provoking when you think about how this comments relates back to the whole little hobbit world in general. The hobbits are normal little creatures, marked by the plain, quite nature.

But, the story would be boring and lackluster if it stopped there.

And I am almost certain that Tolkein knew this when he was writing. The story and novel would have never been published had it merely been about a boring little hobbit who lived underground in a little hobbit hole. How boring is that?? Instead, he opted for a story rich in adventure. To add to the fun and adventure, Bilbo encounters various obstacles along the way. He fights goblins and trolls and whole host of other vile creatures.

At the end, he is a better person for having gone off on his adventure.

He is a hero, a burglar and a warrior. He is toughened up significantly and is has become known by many more people than before. He means a lot to the people he's traveling with; better said, he plays an invaluable role to his peers. He get them out of sticky situations many a time... And the book make note of the changes. But, that's not what I'm writing about. Perhaps, I'll write about that in a future post.

For now though, I think I'm going to go. I've still got a lot to do. It is after all that time of year when things are winding down... Gotta run.

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