Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dodgson's Muse

Alright, so I don't have a quote for this post but I do have a picture. I know that we haven't started with Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, but I figured that I would go ahead and write anyway. So with that said, here goes...

Many know of the story Alice In Wonderland, many more have watched the Disney version of the story. But what many do not know is that Lewis Carroll is a pseudonym for Charles Dodgson and that the character of Alice was created with someone special in mind. That is, Dodgson knew a young girl by the name of Alice Lidell, later to be known as Alice Hargreaves, and it said that she was Dodgson's muse for this story. It is also believed that Dodgson had a relationship with this girl and that it was merely platonic. Others aren't so sure that it was platonic...

I was horrified when I first found that out... I was in my ENGL 481 class a few summers ago. We were doing these reports over biographies of authors and someone had chosen Charles Dodgson/ Lewis Carroll. Needless to say, this definitley changes how I feel about the story and this author. It's not the same story that I remember reading... No, this seems to be a different story- it kind of ruins it for me.

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