Friday, February 29, 2008

Thoughts on the Attic and the Light in Princess and The Goblin

" While the princess stared bewildered, with her head just inside the door, the old lady lifted hers, and said in a sweet, but old and shaky voice, which mingled very pleasentley with the continued hum of the weel: ' [c]ome in, my dear; come in. I am glad to see you'" (Mac Donald 12).

So, I got the idea for writing this post while sitting in class today. I had some thoughts on the attic and the great-great grandmother and decided to write about it. I don't know if I'm over-thinking here, I could be, but I think that I'm at least partially right. Now then, here's the post... the meat and potatoes of my words and thoughts...

First off, if Mac Donald is the father of the spiritual children's story, then perhaps the great- great grandmother could be seen as a metaphor for God, or an angel. Like Cinderella, she seems (so far) to fuction like a fairy-godmother. It's a bit of stretch, but as pointed out in class when Irene sees light, she often knows or is able to figure out that this light is from her great- great grandmother. Furthermore, is this... Would it really be possible for a person to live well over 100 years? It just doesn't seem to be realistic. That's why I thought that she could serve as a metaphor for God or an angel.

Maybe is she is real, I haven't finished reading, maybe -she is real to Irene. Perhaps, the great- great grandmother is as real as Irene makes her out to be. I guess I'll find out. Also, if she is really as old as she says she is why does she appear as she does. Her voice is shaky and what not but Mac Donald doesn't describes Irene's great great grandmother as "beautiful." I would imagine that someone that old would not be beautiful... My first thought in reading this was that she was a goblin. I don't know why I thought that, but I did. The great great grandmother knows all about Irene, and is beautiful so why wouldn't she be a goblin. I don't know if these goblins are magical but if so then maybe she could change her appearance. It would just make sense to me... Then, I thought, that perhaps Irene was descended from goblins. I guess I'll see.

But in general, as stated previously I see the great great grandmother to be a metaphor for God or an angel. Lastly, maybe the attic symbolizes heaven. Again, it's a bit of a stretch, but for all I know I might be right... Who knows.

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