Friday, February 22, 2008

Faith Like A Child...

"People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.'" Mark 10:13-15

Alright, so my posts have never been religious in nature, but this post will be, obviously. I sometimes wonder why, my faith does not enter into conversation and am kind of ashamed that it doesn't. I feel like a lot of people go through life, afraid to share the gospel or show that they are Christians. It's like people keep this part of them hidden. In high school there was this kid, who would go up to others and share his faith. Needless to say, people looked at him like he was strange. That's kind of sad... Anyway, I decided that I would share my faith, by simply writing this installment and using a Bible verse as my focus of this entry. I think that William Lloyd Garrison said it best, " I do not wish to think, or speak, or write with moderation. I am in earnest... I will not equivocate... I will not excuse-- I will not retreat a single inch... AND I WILL BE HEARD." Basically, I want others to know about my faith; I'm ashamed that I've ever been embarresed to share or show that I am a Christian...

So, now I'll step off my soapbox and get on with the entry

I've heard this story countless times, as I have grown up with these stories. I remember being angry at the disciples; they didn't want Jesus to associate with the children because they were well... children. They thought that Jesus was too good for them. But, Jesus being who he was made an example of himself and told the disciples to let the children come to him. He wasn't afraid to associate with them. He went on to teach others about their faith by using children as an example. Simply put, a child's faith is simple yet it is profound. Since they are young, they do not question. An adult, isn't as trusting. The more a person grows, the more they question what they learn. They question their faith as well. But, Jesus teaches that we should learn to have faith like a child. We shouldn't have to understand everything about our world, and our faith.

Perhaps, it isn't our place to know all the mysteries of this world. If it was then we would ALL be able to figure out our lives and everything in it. This isn't so. Millions of people are born with illnesses, or disabilities. Others, are merely victims of circumstance. A person loses someone they love, another grows up in an abusive home. How could this possibly make sense, how could a person understand why their world is so messed up. They can't. Instead, a person should just accept the fact that God loves them, and get on with life. This, believing in something, someone better- enables that person to live more happily and freely.

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