Monday, February 18, 2008

Homework! oh, Homework!

Not Exactly Outside Reading

"Homework! Oh, Homework!
I hate you! You stink!
I wish I could wash you away in the sink,
if only a bomb
would explode you to bits.
Homework! Oh, homework!
You're giving me fits.

I'd rather take baths
with a man-eating shark,
or wrestle a lion
alone in the dark,
eat spinach and liver,
pet ten porcupines,
than tackle the homework,
my teacher assigns.

Homework! Oh, homework!
you're last on my list,
I simply can't see
why you even exist,
If you just disappeared
it would tickle me pink.
Homework! Oh, homework!
I hate you! You stink!" Shel Silverstein/ Jack Prelutsky-??

So, I'm beginning to think that my fifth grade language arts/ history teacher either made us do lots of memorization or that there really is an obvious reason why they call us "Super Seniors." Anyway, I think that I memorized this poem in fifth grade, just like I think that this poem is written by Shel Silverstein. When I looked for it on the Internet I found that it might have been written by someone else. Either way, I still like the poem. I figured that it was fitting that I post on this seeing as how my "week of hell"-tests/midterms are around the corner. Naturally, homework is piling up.

I don't think that I noticed anything different when I read this again. I notice that it's pretty far fetched and goes to the extreme. Perhaps, this is what makes it such a memorable and well loved poem. For example, when I googled the poem, I had no trouble finding the poem. It was a poem that had been used multiple times when people blogged. Furthermore, I believe that it is memorable because people can relate. When people can relate to something or someone their postive face needs (Whoop for being able to apply what I learned in LING 307) are satisfied and they feel as if they are more affiliated with the world in which they live. As those needs are met a person begins to do better and better... For example, I think that all students whether in the first grade or in college can relate to this poem. I don't care what anyone says, at times even the Rory Gilmore's of the world( people who like school and studying) hate their homework.

I think that about wraps it up for now. I'm spent on words and thought. My brain is fried, I need a break. One last thing, I know the cartoon doesn't really fit but it was really funny. It says " No you may not outsource your homework to India"- it was sooooo funny.

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